111 Mountain Brook Drive
Suite 204
Canton GA 30115 USA
Carlo Consulting & PowerBI.tips has partnered with Delta Associates, a global leader in delivering retail analytical training, to offer to our clients and audience access to Delta’s best-in-class training programs. I personally attended Delta’s Business Insights: Black Belt certification program (formerly known as Bronze) and the lessons were extremely valuable. Their training is not a “keystroke” program but a business application focused program. Learning how to use the Power BI program to solve Business Management Questions(TM) that drive better and faster analysis and decisions.
When I learned that Delta was going to develop and deliver Power BI training I contacted them to offer assistance. I highly recommend their training and am confident you will benefit greatly.
Mike Carlo
Power BI is the tool that drives advanced analytics throughout the organization
What do powerful business insights look like – Storytelling with data?
The PowerPoint slide is the canvas in which you communicate your story. It is the result of your analysis. The question is: did you find the full meaning of the data? Did you write a powerful and concise story? Did you use best-in-class data visualization tools that support and speed the understanding of the story?
Most presentations fail. They tell you what the numbers ARE not what they MEAN. They use too much data, too many slides and overwhelm the audience with a complex story that is difficult to quickly understand. Most restate the obvious.
Clear, concise, fact-based presentations resonate with your audience. They catalyze dialogue and lead to better and faster business decisions.
Watch the Video. Does this look familiar? Do you want to move into the elite 3% of fact-based storytellers?
Have you seen a presentation like this?
Two different selling story presentations…two different reactions from the audience.
Why Delta Training?
- Pinpoint the critical insights in everyday data
- Communicate powerful stories concisely and accurately
- Use data to tell a story your customers care about
- Gain confidence in moving from relationship selling to fact-based storytelling
- Gain share of your customers’ resources by becoming valued business consultants
- Speak a consistent language across your team
- Make faster and smarter business decisions
Delta’s Clients
Since 1995, Delta has worked with over 500 retailers, suppliers, brokers, distributors, and data companies in more than 50 countries. Thousands of participants – from first-year associates to 20+ year veterans with advanced degrees. Representatives from most functional departments have attended our courses: buyers/merchandisers, category leadership, category development, sales/business analysts, sales, marketing, supply chain, finance, human resources.
Power BI
Live virtual classroom
Data Visualization & Interpretation
Self-paced online
Business Insights
Self-paced online, In-person, or Live virtual classroom
Advanced Category Management Analytics
In-person or Live virtual classroom
Excel PivotTables
Self-paced Online
Excel Charts
Self-paced Online
Excel Formulas & Functions
Self-paced Online
Retail Math
Self-paced Online